Welcoming Everyone

The Anglican Church welcomes anyone to join us at church. Those admitted to Holy Communion in their own churches are always welcome to join in receiving Communion with us. Seat-holding is about being a member of our local congregation, participating in our community, and supporting our mission.

Become a Seatholder at Christ Church North Adelaide

What is a Seatholder?

Being a Seatholder at Christ Church North Adelaide means making a commitment to the work of the Gospel from our church. This commitment is demonstrated through our loving actions, speaking the Gospel into other people’s lives, and enabling others, both here at Christ Church and beyond.

Requirements to Become a Seatholder

  1. Pew-Rent Contribution:
    • To be deemed a Seatholder, you must make a contribution of ‘pew-rent’, which is currently set at $500 per year. This can be paid as a lump sum or in installments via bank transfers, direct debits, or through the Envelope Collection.
    • The contribution must be received at least three months before the next Easter Vestry Meeting.
  2. Diocesan Requirements:
    • You must be a communicant of the Anglican Church and have received Communion at least three times in the previous year.
    • You must be at least 18 years old.
    • You must not be a member of another Parish, Church, or Denomination.

How the Pew-Rent is Used

For each Seatholder at Christ Church North Adelaide, Select Vestry has resolved to allocate the pew-rent contributions as follows:

  • $250 towards the cost of Parish Staff
  • $50 towards property maintenance
  • $50 towards the David Gallasch Music Trust
  • $50 towards Cottage Homes Inc
  • $50 towards a Bush Church Aid Australia (BCA) project
  • $50 towards an Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) project

The specific projects supported are determined each year at the Easter Vestry Meeting.

Benefits of Being a Seatholder

  • Participation in Vestry Meetings:
    • Seatholders are entitled to participate in managing the church’s affairs through Vestry Meetings.
    • The Vestry meets on the 4th Sunday after Easter, equivalent to an Annual General Meeting.
    • At the Easter Vestry Meeting, Select Vestry members and other officers such as the People’s Warden are elected, and the Rector’s appointments are announced.
    • Annual reports are presented at this meeting.
  • Community and Commitment:
    • Seatholders confirm their commitment to the church community through words, deeds, and financial contributions.
    • Being a Seatholder means being part of the church’s decision-making and supporting its mission.


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