Funerals at Christ Church

In the preamble to the Funeral Service for in A Prayer Book for Australia 1995 (p. 711), [1] it reads:

Human beings have sensed the mystery of death, and the pain of grief, since time immemorial. Every society has developed rites to mark the passage from life through death, and to commemorate the dead. Today we do this through the funeral service, and the rites by which we lay a person’s body to rest.

The wounds of grief need time and care to heal. The funeral may help this process, by enabling us to acknowledge our loss, give thanks for the life of the person who has died, make our last farewell, and begin to take up life once more.

Christians believe in God, the source and giver of life. God’s good news proclaims Jesus Christ to be our living Lord, who laid down his life for us. He knew death, yet triumphed over it, drawing its sting, and was raised by God to new life. Christians affirm the presence of the Spirit of Christ, who helps us in our weakness. Yet we, with all mortals, still face death. Those who put their trust in Christ share the sufferings of their Lord, even in the midst of the God’s love and care.

A Christian funeral proclaims the Christian hope in the face of death – Jesus Christ, whose resurrection is the promise of our own.

At Christ Church we are available to support you through this part of life’s journey, to stand alongside you and your loved ones during this difficult time and endeavour to do all we can to demonstrate the message of God’s love.

Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.
Rabindranath Tagore

God bless you and all whom you love.

[1] A Prayer Book for Australia 1995, Broughton Books, NSW.