Ministry Advocates
The Parish currently twelve Ministry Advocate Portfolios that represent the areas of Ministry that the Parish is passionate about and engaging with. All the Ministries and Activities of the Parish that are not caught up under the role of Administration, Buildings, grounds, property, budgets, and those outlined in the trust deed that the Select Vestry are responsible for are represented by a Ministry Advocate. All members of the Parish are invited to participate in these Ministry areas to find the place where there might serve God through our Parish.
1. Family’s Ministry
This ministry area is responsible for all ministry to our families and young people. This connects with our Playgroup, Sunday School, Messy Church. and other family and children’s outreach and discipleship.
Barry Kursten- Ministry Advocate
In today’s society, where many experience loneliness and hardship, a vibrant family ministry is essential to our parish’s mission. By offering both secular and faith-centered programs—such as our playgroup, Messy Church, and Sunday School—we can create meaningful relationships with families in North Adelaide and provide children with a foundation of faith and life skills.
It’s also crucial that our volunteers are well-prepared to support families effectively. Beyond Safe Ministry training, I believe our volunteers should be equipped with additional skills, like First Aid-Mental Health for youth and children, and short courses such as “Through Their Eyes.” These resources enables our team to recognise social trends and issues that may impact families. By being aware of these challenges, we could potentially empower families with guidance and point those in need to the right agency, support group, or other resources that offer professional. Above all, this allows us to walk alongside families with compassion and care, reflecting our commitment to love, hospitality, and empathy as Christ calls us to. Therefore if you have a passion for people and are able to spare a few hours a month, please contact me at any time and I am sure that we can find away for you to help out according to your gifts and abilities.
2. Welcoming and Incorporation
This Ministry is about identifying newcomers to Parish, looking at the process of greeting them and then incorporating them into the life of the Parish.
3. Formation and Discipleship
This Ministry is about the programs the Parish offers to learn about the Christian Faith and go further. I.e. Alpha Course and then Bible studies, Lenten Studies etc.
4. Communications
This Ministry would includes parish Photographer and a journalist’s role in finding “good news within the parish” and looking at how we communicate that through the pew sheet, website, social media etc. This would also involve looking at the Archives and doing Profiles on past ministries and current Ministries.
5. Worship
This Ministry Advocate works with the Choir, Sanctuary Team, Bible Readers, Sanctuary Guild etc. All those who help put together our Worshiping life as the Parish of Christ Church North Adelaide.
6. Hospitality, Community Building and Events
Hospitality and Community Building are about when we get together as a Parish to get to know each other better. This includes Morning Teas and Monthly Lunches, Birthday Sundays and other special celebrations. E.g. King’s Birthday, Patronal Festival. And connecting with other big events the parish puts on.
7. Business Connecting (Local Community Connections)
This Ministry Advocate is about how the Parish finds itself in a relationship with the business community of North Adelaide. How can we add value to local businesses? How can we connect to make North Adelaide and beyond a better place? This, in particular, is looking at ways for the Parish and local businesses to find partnerships and exploring what the Parish can offer to local businesses.
8. University Ministries
This Ministry Advocate is looking at how we connect more with the University Students that live and study in North Adelaide. We have several university colleges in North Adelaide, and the universities have campuses across the river along North Terrace. So how do we add value to the life of University Students? How do we connect with them?
9. Hospital, Nursing Homes and Aged Care. Bereavement Care
This Ministry Advocate is about how we offer Chaplaincy services at Calvary Hospital, visiting residents in Helping Hand North Adelaide and how we connect with the housebound and those who are mourning the loss of others.
10. Social Transformation and Caring Outreach Ministry
This Ministry Advocate is about how we serve those in need in our Community. For example, how do we support the Magdalene Centre, AnglicareSA etc.
Barry Kursten- Ministry Advocate
At Christ Church, we believe in the power of social transformation through compassionate outreach. Serving our community is not just a duty; it is a core expression of our faith and values. By actively seeking ways to support those in need, we hope to bring lasting change to the lives we touch. From providing essential services to those who are vulnerable, to fostering a welcoming environment, our mission is to embody care and responsibility.
We recognise that genuine transformation requires ongoing commitment. It’s essential to address immediate needs, but equally important to build programs that help individuals find stability, purpose, and hope for the future. As we look forward, we are dedicated to expanding our outreach, partnering with local organisations, and listening to the evolving needs of our community. Together, we can create a more inclusive, compassionate world that uplifts every person in our parish and beyond.
11. Mutual Care
This Ministry Advocate is about equipping our people with how to best care for each other. How do we listen well, and what do we offer to be better at pastoral care.
12. Mission Link
This Ministry Advocate is about helping the Parish look beyond ourselves and our local context. This Ministry Advocate helps link the Parish with BCA, ABM and other mission agencies. In addition, it connects with the work we are already doing in fundraising through Bring and Buy and other fundraising efforts.