
The Christ Church North Adelaide Choir is one of the few professional choirs in Adelaide, celebrated for its exceptional talent and dedication to sacred choral music. Our historic church, known for its stunning architecture and outstanding acoustics, provides an ideal setting for weekly performances. Our choir is comprised of Lay Clerks, Choral Scholars, and Voluntary Choristers.

Traditional Worship Services

Our choir enhances the worship experience rooted in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, where music plays a vital role in the liturgy. We invite you to attend our weekly Choral Eucharist and Choral Evensong services from February to Christmas Day. The choir showcases a diverse repertoire, highlighting the rich tradition of sacred choral music.


Solo Cantor Performances

Some services feature a solo Cantor, allowing the choir to take moments of respite while maintaining the beauty of our music.

YouTube Performances

Check out our performances on YouTube to experience the beauty of our music:

Supported by the David Gallasch Memorial Music Trust

Our choir is proudly supported by the David Gallasch Memorial Music Trust, which helps fund our musical initiatives and performances, in memory of the beloved Organist and Choir Director at Christ Church for so many years, David Gallasch. To support our choir and contribute to the trust, please click David Gallasch Memorial Music Trust.

Stay Updated on Upcoming Music Events

To stay informed about upcoming musical events and services, subscribe to our Music Newsletter. Don’t miss a chance to be part of our vibrant musical community!


 Join Our Choir

If you are passionate about singing, we welcome you to join the Choir of Christ Church North Adelaide. Opportunities are available for both professional musicians, students, and volunteers. For more information, click here.